An Announcement to the High School Graduates


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces and askes students to visit Zankoline Website to assure in their GPA’s accuracy.

Regarding this, Abbas Akram, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s spokesman said, “This coming year -different from

Last year- for the sake of activating Zankoline and assurance of students’ names availability at the Kurdistan Region’s universities, our ministry lets the high school graduates to assure in their GPA of 12th, 11th and 10th stages of high school to visit the website of Zankoline ( from 18th of August.  He also asked those high school graduates who think that there is a mistake in his/her GPA; he/she has to visit the directorate of the ministry of education’s examinations to fix the mistakes and not to visit he Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s spokesman also announced, "The first round graduates of High School can use the entrance numbers of examination of high school to enter the Zankoline system to assure their GPAs.”  He also repeated that this announcement is only to assure in the student’s GPA accuracies.