The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research now welcomes application for Round 3 of Human Capacity Development Programme (HCDP). This is a strategic capacity building project with the aim of investing in the talented young students and bringing up the future academic and professional leaders.
Following an open competition in Rounds 1 and 2, over 2500 scholars were selected for masters and doctorate studies in international centers of excellence abroad.
In July 2011, the High Committee for HCDP made a series of strategic decisions to:
a. fund an additional 2000 scholarships. Half of these would be allocated for those employed by the Higher Education institutions or the private sector. The other half is for employees of all other Ministries. The latter will be coordinated by the Ministry of Planning.
b.give preference to fist-degree relatives of martyrs
c.allocate funds for students born and living in the city of Kirkuk.
The fundamental criteria and mechanism of selection will remain the same as in the previous two rounds. This is to maintian competitiveness, equal opportunity and high level of transparency.

سەر 2016