Dr. Yusuf Goran: MHESR Provide a Project of Solving the Deadlock of Salary to KRG


The Minister of HESR declared, “To solve the issue of salary at Kurdistan Region, MHESR – As an academic institution provides a project to the KRG Presidency.”

This speech came up at the normal meeting of MHESR Council on Monday Feb 22nd 2016 at the Ministry’s bureau in the presence of all universities’ presidents.

In the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Yusuf said, “In the coming next days, a delegate from MHE-Islamic Republic of Iran with accompany of a great number of great universities of the country will visit Kurdistan Region and Dr. Salar Brikary will head the delegate.”

The will sign a contract of with MHESR of KRG and they will visit the universities and open a special show.  He also said, “This will be a good opportunity to the universities till they can improve their communication with the delegate to aim developing higher education in Kurdistan.”

In another part of the meeting, The Minister of HESR announced, “MHESR owns a great number of specialized, thinker, and energy.  The lecturers are academic person and can have their role in solving problems which will face our community.  In doing this, to solve the deadlock issue of salary in Kurdistan Region, Dr. Khatab Ahmad – the general manager of admin and finance at Ministry’s bureau – has prepared a project.  So, a decision was made to rewrite the project again in which the financial situation of employees and teachers will be considered and will take advantage from the universities’ suggestions and recommendations.  Then, it will be given to KRG presidency in the name of the MHESR Council to solve the issue of salary.

Also, in another part of the meeting, Dr. Yusuf Goran said, “Students have recommended to MHESR to restart studying at universities till their process of education not be wasted and especially the ones who are the sons of poor people in which they may financially not be able to keep continuing their study if it longs one more year.  So, the Ministry of HESR said, “We should try to do our best to keep studying this year otherwise there will be thinking about postponing education for the next year.  Then, this will affect the name of universities – in negative way of course.”

In the meeting also, rearranging universities’ administration and management brought to the point of consideration. In doing this, the Minister of HESR said, “In Ministries Council Presidency, a committee to review the administrative structural of government’s bureaus.  Back to the committee, he asked the universities presidents to send their suggestions and recommendations till they can serve the greatest by spending lest cost. So, the Ministry’s council decided to make a committee for that purpose till they can done their in the next two weeks.

In another part of the meeting, the council of ministry decided to let back all the freeze-students for the year of 2016-2017 to the public universities by carrying parallel system out.  For the private universities, the same policy as the public universities’ will be fulfilled upon till the freeze-students comes back to their classes.  However, this new decision will not be carried out upon the ones, students, whom had been freeze because of examination deceiving.

 In the end, the council decided to any students who extend their year of study after their legal year of education, the parallel system will be fulfilled upon.

They put the period to the council’s meeting by deciding some decision and instruction.