His Excellency Professor Dlawer A. Ala`Aldeen, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, attended the opening ceremony of the scientific symposium, in Erbil, for the development of capacity in the administration of hospitals and management of food and drugs in the Kurdistan region.
The symposium is organized by the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Jordanian University of Science and Technology, King Abdullah hospital in Jordan, and with the cooperation of the American University of Beirut and Biometrics Organization.
The Minister of Health Dr. Tahir Hawrami warmly greeted the audience in his speech in the seminar and stressed on the fact that the administration of hospitals and management of food and drugs in the region are not at the required level. He explained that causes are most likely due to the unstable situation which has been witnessed by the region in the past few months.
Dr. Hawrami assured of the necessity of organizing such activities for Kurdistan Region especially now when the region is operating a transparency policy, which makes the symposium a step forward in the right direction.

Nov 2016