We have overcome significant challenges; other big ones still down the road” His Excellency in his speech in the 6th graduation ceremony of the Koya University.
Prof. Dlawer A. Ala`Aldeen also confirmed in his speech while attending the graduation ceremony of the Koya University to the top students that they will be sent abroad for the purpose of obtaining higher degrees and said ”you are the hope we see for a brighter future of our country”.
His Excellency hailed the vital role and efforts of the teaching staff and the presidency of the Koya University; he also delivered the greetings and congratulations of the President of Kurdistan Region in addition to Prime Minister to the graduated students.
Prof. Dlawer A. Ala`Aldeen said in the ceremony “now the University of Koya has become the main reference for the newly established university, Raparin. We may say now your university is the mother university for Raparin”, his Excellency quoted.
The role of the Koya University in the process of reform is highly valued by his Excellency. The reform process is not only for the raise of quality of studying, but it also preserves the rights and hard work of both students and professors, Dr. Dlawer added.
Also in the ceremony, Dr. Khider Hawrami, the president of the Koya University and on behalf of the entire staff in the Koya University, warmly greeted and praised the participation of His Excellency in the graduation ceremony. Dr. Hawrami said in his speech, the scholarship program is indeed a big step forward in the history of the ministry and the Koya University has greatly seen benefits of the program. More than 127 students of the Koya University have been sent abroad within the program, Dr. Hawrami added.
The participants of the ceremony showed great optimism to the recent active programs run by the ministry. They also shown enthusiasm and hope that one day the universities in Kurdistan region would become centers for knowledge in the country.

Nov 2016