Directorate of Relations:
The Directorate is trying its best to bridge the Kurdistan Higher Education Institutes to other international higher education entities for exposing young generations, administrative, academic staff, and researchers to different cultures and systems of education through its Internationalization values and missions described as follow:
- Coordinating and building relationships between the Kurdistan Higher Education Units and their counter parts abroad.
- Archiving, supervising, and following up all the MOUs and Agreements accorded between the Ministry and its partners outside the Region.
- Supervising and following up Kurdistan Region’s scholars who have been delegated through specific agreements like those who are studying under the supervision of (DAAD) in Germany and (Campus France) in France.
- Coordination and cooperation with academic and nonacademic organization like (UNESCO) and world banks for fulfilling the projects related to the higher education.
- Arranging and organizing meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences for Kurdistan Higher Education Institutes, its partners and between them in and outside the country.
- Welcoming guest delegations, securing their logistic needs and arranging their itinerary with the related or host dept. in the Kurdistan Region.
- Facilitate and organize Kurdistan Higher Education delegations’ involvement for the international conference outside the country.
- Close contact with Kurdistan Regional Government representatives outside the country.
- Supervising Career Development Centers at Kurdistan Public Universities.
- Dealing with Certificate verification for who has graduated from Iraqi Universities
- Other administrative affairs
The structure of the Directorate:
Though the Directorate is not practicing the department system, instead the tasks and duties are performed on the basis of team work and the main fields can be categorized as follow:
Director of Relations: Maqsood Saadi Mohammed, (MBA)
Postal Address: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Hadi chawshily street, Kirkuk
Road, postal code: 44001 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Email Contact:
Office phone No.: 00964(0)662562363
Directorate’s contact information:
For foreign affairs:
E mail:
Telephone: 00964(0)662562363
For mid and south part of Iraq:
E mail:
Telephone: 00964(0)662562694
Directorate of Scholarship
The directorate nominates candidates from the Ministry’s University and Technical Institutions for the scholarships, which are awarded by foreign organizations, based on competition. Studying leave permissions for those who obtained offer letters in different specialties. For those who are willing to study on their own expenses, the directorate prepares special files for them and keeps their record.
Directorate of Scholarships consists of two sections:
- Scholarships Section: Deals with scholarships and Study leave.
- Delegation Section: Delegating University lecturers and staffs abroad for participating in courses, Conferences and workshops.
Scholarship Program (HCDP)
Human Capacity and Development program (HCDP) is allocating (setting) a sum of ( hundred and twenty Billions ID equally (100) hundred Million Dollars in the Kurdistan Region Governments’ budget annually , to developing human capacity in Kurdistan in all specialization. According to HCDPs’ a lot of Youths will send to abroad in order to continue their Master & PhD studying at developing University’s in the World, also introducing the Science & Technology’s Concept. As result of completing their studying and return to Kurdistan in the way of having significant participating & cooperating Development proses.
Generally the program has many hand to hand it means every individual sending proses takes a lot of filtering & Auditing until candidates completing their study proses, this is why HCDP divided into two types, as shown below.
1/ HCDP candidates which belongs to Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific research. They published three rounds on wrestling basics as below
First Round 1294 Candidates
Second Round 1031 Candidates
Third Round 641 Candidates
2/ HCDP candidates which belongs to Ministry of Plan. They published three rounds on wrestling basics as below:
First Round 409 Candidates
Second Round 1064 Candidates
Duties Directorate
- Sending HCDP Candidates to abroad by listing in different rounds.
- Giving attention & information to all candidates about law & instruction which deals with HCDP
- Cooperating all candidates by providing Financial Support Letter, evaluation form and filling information form
- Auditing and Managing all candidates Document in the side of law, administration and academy.
- Issuing a Ministerial order to providing Studying leave then travel.
- Creating a file in the name of candidate in order archiving all documents.
- providing Financial rights according to particular date deserve.
- Giving attention to all HCDPs candidate in any changing and lake information if its exist at study periods .
- Settling of accounts (Close out) when the candidate finishing her/his study
- finally, after finishing the account settling (close out) they will received a resetting order as written in instructions.
The Combination of Administration Structures. / the name of rooms and their duties:
- Coordination : General duties of this room is coordinating and dealing with al candidates works inside & outside Kurdistan with candidates or agents in order to manage their works , cooperating those has trouble which faces our students by those relation which we have with their Universities.
- Archive : In this room all documents will be saved and archived as well as archive basics declared easy to find to work on them.
- Data & Statistics: The most important room is Data & Statistics contained all candidates’ information from the beginning of sending proses till settling account (closing out).
- Auditing & Financial Rights: It performs the Auditions proses for all financial rights which candidate receiving from HCDPs while studying period according to invoices, offer letter & formal documents. Then completing their close outing proses and finally they returning to their duties.
Directors’ Name: PhD. Hawkar Qasim Birdawod
Directors’ Email:
Directorates Email:
Tel number
Directors’ Tel: 0662554697
Employees’ Tel: 0662562362