The procurement process at the Ministry of Natural Resources involves joint input from both the oil companies and the ministry, to ensure that a competitive, fair and transparent bidding process is conducted. In line with our procurement policy, the ministry ensures that all registered bidders are invited to tender where applicable, all the while ensuring an open door policy so that bidders, as we refer to them, or subcontractors are able to voice concerns.

The procurement process is conducted by the international oil company (IOC), however it allows for the joint management committee to monitor the process at various steps. The management committee chairman (a member of the ministry) along with his fellow members and advisers are required to approve the bid strategy, to ensure that a fair procurement procedure has been designed that involves all registered participants and does not handicap any of the tenderers without firm justification.

During the process, technical and commercial recommendations are evaluated by both the IOC and the ministry, with the management committee chairman from the ministry providing final approval. The involvement and advice of both the ministry and the IOC in the procurement process has helped to develop trust and transparency in the system, allowing for open technical and commercial discussions that ultimately promote the service sector in the region in support of oilfield operations.


As per KRG's agreement with the Iraqi government and under the 2015 Budget Law


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