Vacant Post: President of Charmo University


 The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), announces the vacant post of President of Charmu University, successful candidates can compete and apply for this post via sending their resumes. Identifying nominees for the vacant posts in the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research via completion and CV application is a permanent custom of the ministry.


1. Applicants should hold a PhD. Degree.

2. His or her scientific title must not be less than of Assistant Professor.

3. Applicants should have ten years of service in universities.

4. Candidates should submit a formal document showing his or her full service in universities.

5. Priority is given to those candidates who will present their plan, strategy, past and future activities for promoting the university during the next four years.  English language and computer skills are also considered in the process of short-listening the candidates.



1. Willing applicants who are qualifying for this vacant job post should send a copy of their CV and a formal document showing his or her full service in universities to this email:

2. Application deadline is: 3:00 PM, local time, August 18, 2015. 

Vacant post
President of Charmo University
Application deadline
Email address
Parézgay Sulaimani
Image Vacancy
Charmo University