The initial results for successful applicants from Turkey and Cyprus for the scholarship program are now available. (Please see below link.) The Directorate General of Scholarships and Cultural Relations has drawn on the best professional practices to ensure the transparency in the selection process of these fine students.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research would like to clarify that this particular academic scholarship only waives the tuition fee and is exclusive of any other costs that may rise prior to or during the period of study such as travel costs, language courses, and living costs, etc.
Successful applicants must understand that the financial arrangements that pertain to the HCDP applicants do not apply to students from abroad because the selection procedures and criteria for determining awards are different. The criteria that appliees to this scholarship scheme has as a condition that applicants agree in advance to the
terms of the programme. They must have replied to this effect to the email that was sent them by the Ministry.
The initial results for this scholarship scheme may be accessed below.Any questions regarding this scholarship pprogram should be emailed to: from 14 through 19 of February. The final results will be announced directly this time period.

Nov 2016