نوفمبر 2016

We Will Electronize All Higher Education Institutes and Works

kobwnewey heftan

Dr. Yusuf Goran, The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research said, “For the sake of transparency provision and fulfilling the higher education’s duties and tasks, we should try our best to make all the higher education institutes and works electronized.”

This announcement of The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research was during the ministry’s weekly meeting on Sunday 22nd of Jan 017 at the meeting room of ministry under supervision of Dr. Yusuf Goran, The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

In the meeting in which the ministry’s advisors and general director’s assistance, numbers of the Ministry’s directors were present, there was talking about some important issues.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Yusuf Goran talked about the directly applying system of universities and described it as a successful system and said that the system was welcomed by the students of current year.  The universities of Salahaddin, Sulaimani, and Erbil-Polytechnic were pioneer in the success of the system.  He also said that after discussion and advising with universities, we will widen the system till it is fulfilled in the whole scientific departments excluding medicine, engineering, and law. 

The students can also apply for those departments in the same way of registration centers of students.  In doing this, he instructed the general directors to create a data base Software) to the system. He also directed them to meet with the universities to take their notes and recommendations to put the conditions and instructions of applying for the whole departments.  The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research also said that there will be made a similar system for the evening and parallel at the public universities after discussion with the universities.  He created a committee of following of the instructions with coordination of universities to set a good decision.


In another part of the meeting, Dr. Yusuf Goran mentioned the importance role of the electronizing system of higher education and said, “Vis-à-vis with the developed countries we have to electronize the master and PhD study in a way that students can apply online to higher education.  In this regard, he instructed the general directors and advisors to have a meeting and take the recommendations and advises to find a mechanism to electronize the whole process of higher education.

In the meeting also, The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research pointed to the importance of the process of electronization of private education and said, “The universities should electronize their tasks and duties and would be better to start from their management and administration in the first step and their works and tasks in the next steps.”  In doing this, he directed the relevant general managers to discuss it with private universities and institutions to make a good mechanism till the process is made as soon as possible.

In another part of the meeting, there was talking about the administration of the ministry HQ and enough decision and committees were made in that regard.

In the meeting also, there were talking about some other higher education relevant topics and some ideas were released.