نوفمبر 2016

Dr. Yusuf Goran: We want to Create Qualification not Giving Certificate only


Dr. Yusuf Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research said, “One of the main issues of our ministry is composing a novel system for accepting students at Kurdistan Universities.  In doing this and for the coming year, we have changed our strategy of accepting students in 25% at Kurdistan Universities.”


This announcement of Dr. Yusuf Goran was during a meeting with Lori Mason, the general organizer of IREX affair in Iraq.  Ms. Lori gave a brief about the activities of her organization for the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the future plans.  She also focused on holding the conference which is supposed to be held in Baghdad with the presence of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s representative in Sep 28th.  She also said that American Ambassador to Iraq will be present in the conference and there will be talking about the previous years’ works of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq and the future plans will be composed.  She also explained that the results of the conference will be sent to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG.

In reverse, Dr. Yusuf Goran hailed holding the conference also explained that in current, they have the problem of finding a system for accepting students at Kurdistan Universities.  He also said, “We have decided to have a meeting with the Ministry of Education to talk about changing the accepting system of students at universities.  He also said, “25% of accepting students system at Universities has been changed, because the current system which is now practiced had made create the same level between high school and university.  It means that university is the completion of high school, but we want to create two things different from each other and own different perspective and completion of each other at the same time.  In doing this, if any decision is made in the meeting, it will be fulfilled for the next year. In this regard, Dr. Yusuf Goran asked the general organizer of IREX in Iraq to have their experts regarding this topic to the meeting and help them.


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research also said that having the centers of internships are important because there is a huge relationship between the centers of internships and students.  He also said that they want the ability will be based on desire and preference till create a capacity to be able finding work and then work.