نوفمبر 2016

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research names Spokesman and Director of Media Office


                            The KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in two ministerial decrees identified the ministry’s spokesman and Director of Media office. 

According to document number (8360), which holds the signature of Dr. Yusuf Goran, the KRG Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Abas Akram was appointed as the new spokesman of the ministry. Hence, and from today we call upon local and foreign media channels to contact Mr. Abas Akram for all statements on the ministry’s affairs via the following contacts:
Mobile Phone: 00964 0750 482 6118
E-mail: abbas.akram@mhe-krg.org 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/abas.dizayee
Regarding this, Foad Ismail the ministry’s previous spokesman congratulated Mr. Abas Akram for his new post and said:” upon my own agreement and due to my engagement with other duties, I resigned from the post of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s spokesperson.” He also reiterated his support for the new spokesman of the ministry as well as the overall reformation process in the ministry.
On the other hand and according to document number (8303), which holds the signature of Dr. Yusuf Goran, the KRG Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hemn Amin Shwani was appointed as the Director of Media Office of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Our ministry through this office works for delivering continous information to the ministry’s professors, employees and students. Meanwhile, this office helps, cooperates with, and guides journalists, regardless of their color and ideology, to get correct information.
Also, we will make our ministry’s website a vital center for getting news and posting publications and information. For delivering your comments, suggestions and criticisms, you can contact Mr. Hemn Amin Shwani, Director of Media office of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, via:
 Mobile Phone: 00964 07504546883
E-mail: hemin.jalal@mhe-krg.org 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amenhemn 
N.B.: Photo of both the ministry’s Spokesman and Director of Media Office.