Dr. Yusuf Goran Visit Ministry of Culture and Youth




 Today, Monday, 7th of Mar, Dr. Yusuf Goran, the Minister of HESR visited the Ministry of Culture and Youth of KRG and warmly welcomed by Khalid Dusky – the Minister of Culture and Youth


In the meeting, Dr. Amanj Saeed, the Minister of HESR advisor and Dr. Khatab Shekhani, the general director of administration and finance and Jamal Husein general director at Ministry of Culture and Youth were present.  They talked about culture, and academic scientific statue in Kurdistan Region.

In the meeting also, they talked about the way of looking after language in general and Kurdish language in special.  The steps which are important to look after in terms of culture were talked about.  In this context, some successful sample of some countries in the world was brought to the point of consideration.