نوفمبر 2016

Dr. Yusuf Goran: The Higher Education Mission is to Invest in Youth’s Capability vis-à-vis with Education


 Dr. Yusuf Goran said, “MHESR deals with youth as a sensitive class and this makes the mission of the MHESR rather than providing education and investing in youth’s capability is to follow their hopes and wishes, as well.”

This speech of Dr. Yusuf Goran – the Minister of HESR – came up at a meeting with Havier Mira, the Head of Europe Young Democratic Union, and Falah Hassan, Deputy of International Young Democratic Union which was held on Saturday 23rd of Feb in a visit to MHESR.

In the meeting, Dr. Khatab Shekhani – the General Manager of Finance and Administration at MHESR- was attendance and youth’s conditions and higher education in Kurdistan were brought to the point of consideration.  In this context, Dr. Yusuf Goran skimmed a short brief about the position of youths at the education centers in Kurdistan Region and said, “Students are an active class of community and in Kurdistan dealing with them is special comparing to other countries. For instance, the same contacts between us and the lecturers are performed as with the students’ representatives. He explained to the host delegate that students rather than education and science, they will have a strong position among society in which the ones owns a University Certificate; their positions will be transformed socially. This transformation has made people to try to study and a huge pressure has faced the universities in result.”

Then, the delegate hosts expressed their happiness to the visit and the interpretation of Ministry of HESR and said that they will visit the ministries of HESR, Education, and Construction and Housing in the visit.  In this context, The Head of Europe Young Democratic Union said, “In the visit to MHESR, we want emphasize on helping your ministry and be the connection bridge between Europe Parliament and Europe relevant institutions and MHESR via this organization.  The Head of the Union offered the office of the organization in Europe to MHESR to be used as a lobby center in Europe.  In doing this, they may arrange different panels and seminar to broadcast Ministry of HESR’s message to different centers of Europe.