نوفمبر 2016

Heartland Alliance: Human Trafficking and Organ Trafficking is Increasing


Dr. Yusuf Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research welcoming American Heart Land Alliance delegate in the head of Mayes Musadi, the director of projects in the organization.

In the meeting in which was held on May 18th at the Ministry’s bureau, there was a discussion about the way of educating the individuals of society.

In the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Mayes Musaaedi after mentioning some of the activities of her organization, pointed to the human rights in Kurdistan Region especially inside the camps of refugees and said, “Because the political and economic situation of Kurdistan, and because of the great number of refugees have come to Kurdistan Region, human trafficking and organ trafficking have been increasing especially inside the camps.” And said, “During the months of Jan and Feb, there were huge numbers of organ trafficking; the price was between 7000 to 12000 USD. According to the policy of donation, it has to be free of charge donation and only inside the members of the family. In doing this, she asked the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to help them to have enough workshops and seminars to educate individuals about these types of trafficking.

In the reverse, Dr. Yusuf Goran, The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, after welcoming the delegate, he asked the Law department and Medicine department and the researchers of Kurdistan Region Universities to work on this issue and educate the individuals of society to this problem.


American Heart Land Alliance is an organization which works in confronting the human trafficking in Kurdistan and Iraq and its main headquarter is in Chicago and works on human right in general and women and children rights in special.