نوفمبر 2016

Statement on (Hadba,Nur,Qalam, Kitab) Private Universities

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The KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research reaffirms on its previous stance stipulated in formal document numbered (6831) addressed to the KRG Council of Ministers in April 6th, 2015 about taking action regarding Hadba,Nur,Qalam, Kitab Private Universities, and all former documents on those universities are not valid now.

Regarding news reports by some local websites with indication to a document by our ministry in September 2nd, 2013 on Nur University College, Abas Akram Spokesman of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research said: “Treatment of our ministry with that university is identical with our treatment with (Hadba,Nur,Qalam, Kitab) Private Universities. We clarified this issue in our formal document numbered (6831) addressed to the Presidency of the KRG Council of Ministers in April 6th, 2015.”

“Our ministry has made several steps towards reformation and raising quality of private sector universities; in order the private universities to prepare talented and highly-qualified graduates for the market. But after the Iraqi government gave permission for opening several universities like Hadba,Nur,Qalam, Kitab, etc, in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administration, we noticed that education hours in those areas are not as required, and scores for admission into those universities are low, as compared with admission scores in the private universities in the Kurdistan region. Thus, for the sake of reformation and raising the quality of education we addressed the Presidency of the KRG Council of Ministers via document numbered (6831), so that certificate qualifications  will not be granted to graduates from those above-mentioned universities who will be appointed in the KRG offices,” Abas Akram said.

He also said: “In fact those universities have became an obstacle in front of reformation and making further steps towards raising quality of education in the private universities in the Kurdistan region. Moreover, those universities, similar to the policy by the Iraqi ministry of higher education, do not recognize private universities in the Kurdistan region, accordingly we as, the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, will recognize them , will not facilitate for them, and will not urge graduates from the preparatory stages in the region to educate in those universities.”

“Therefore, in our document we asked the KRG Council of Ministers to issue guidelines and generalize the guidelines to all KRG offices and bodies, not to give graduation bonus in the Kurdistan Region to all graduates from those universities.”