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RAND Cooperation
At the request of the KRG, the RAND Corporation had undertaken four studies with the aim of improving the economic and social development of the Kurdistan Region. The work by RAND was intended to help with the expansion of access to high quality education and health care, increase of the private sector development and employment, and designing a data collection system to support high priority policies. …Read more
At the request of Kurdistan Regional Government, RAND researchers undertook yearlong analyses of the health care system In KRG. The study modeled the projected utilization of health care over the next 10 years and the implications for facilities, workforce and the potential for health insurance. Primary care is the cornerstone of the health care system.….Read more..
Strategies for Private-Sector Development and Civil-Service Reform in the Kurdistan Region — Iraq
At the request of the KRG, the RAND Corporation had prepared a monograph based on a variety of research methods and analyses. These include a review of the existing literature, analyses of survey data, analyses of Kurdistan regional and Iraqi national documents and laws, and a qualitative assessment of numerous conversations with government officials and private-sector employers. It was found that the KRG can develop its private sector by removing obstacles to starting or expanding a business, by identifying sectors for which conditions are particularly favorable for private-sector growth and supporting them,. … …Read more.
Strategic Priorities for Improving Access to Quality Education in the Kurdistan Region — Iraq
In 2010, The Ministry of Planning had requested the RAND Corporation to conduct a one year study with the focus of assessing the status of the K-12 system for its structural reform. The study noted the high quality of the KRG’s primary school curriculum and recommended building up to 200 new 18 room schools per year, for the next 10 years, to accommodate as many as 110,000 new students Pear Year. This would require hiring and training as many as 7000 new teachers every year along with modifying the evaluation and reward process for teachers and students.….Read more.
Designing a System for Collecting Policy-Relevant Data for the Kurdistan Region — Iraq
Given the population growth, the RAND team highlighted that over the next 20 years, an average of 40,000 to 50,000 new jobs will need to be created every year to cater for this growth. Two promising strategies have been identified to achieve this: Improving the regulatory environment that will encourage the development of both domestic entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment. Secondly, encouraging the privatization of some current government functions while developing and implementing a performance appraisal and advancement system for civil service employees. …..Read more.