Nov 2016

Erasmus plus program provides golden opportunity for Kurdistan Region Students


Erasmus-plus is the EU's new program for boosting skills and employability through education, training, youth, and sport, the program will provide opportunities for over 4 million to study, train, gain work experience, and volunteer abroad between 2014-2020.

This program is funded by EU and co-partner countries which have scholarship programs, especially those countries that use the abilities of talented students and promote the chances of coordination and exchanging abilities among the different countries in the higher education sector.

This program of the EU and co-partner countries for 2014-2020 is in the following two forms:

1. Joint projects: this is the project among the different bodies and will involve the institutional level.

2. Consortium Project: This includes the projects of higher education system which involve the nations.

As it is described in the project, partner countries are divided into different regions. The Kurdistan Region is along with Iran, and Yemen, is located within region number 9, and the allocated funds for region 9 is 1,85  million Eurus. Thus, due to conditions in the two other countries in region number 9 i.e. Iran and Yemen, a good opportunity is being provided for higher education students in the Kurdistan Region in order to participate in the Erasmus-plus program. We  urge willing applicants of higher education to register their names in the Erasmus-plus program to study abroad in the EU countries,  and prepare proposals for their projects in order to present it in due time. 


For more information about the project and how to apply, visit the following links:



The Erasmus+ Programme Guide for the 2015 General Call for Proposals in English:

The priorities for Capacity Building Action are available at:


Direct link to the document (XLS):