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Kurdistan Institute of Public Administration KIPA

Brief about the Institute
 One of the most important formations of the D.G of Human Development is Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration KIPA, which was founded under the name of (the Regional Centre for Administrative Development) By Ministry of Planning Law where indicated Article 11 of the Law to develop the mentioned Centre to be linked to G. D of Human Development

On 04.08.2010 the ministerial order was issued to change the name of the Center to (Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration - KIPA) where was largely planned to implement of some tasks, development and implementation of several training courses within an integrated training plan for 2011.

The specialists has sought in the Institute and in collaboration with (the National School of Government - NSG British) during the last period to begin preparing a strategy for the activities of the Institute for the coming years within the Ministry of Planning and take under consideration the importance of training to achieve inclusiveness in the services, quality and excellence.


KIPA exists to support the improvement of human resources in government institutions of the region by providing modern; training and development, consultancy and research to the public service so that public servants may make the best use of resources and more effectively serve citizens and our developing society.



We will achieve our mission by delivering the following objectives:

1.      Identify the medium and longer term priorities and scope of administrative development required in the public service consistent with the region’s economic and social development strategies.


2.      Improve the skills of top managers in the public service based on the priority needs of government through capacity building activities in leadership, strategy and policy.


3.      Develop the knowledge and skills of middle and line managers in administrative and supervisory responsibilities and other management systems.


4.      Seek to support the improvement of services provided in government by responding to consultancy and research activities we are commissioned to undertake.


5.      Strengthen our ability to adopt modern public administration practices through collaboration and links with regional, national and international public administration learning and development Institutions.



Operating Values


In delivering our services we will adopt the following core values:

-         Our employees are greatest asset, we will meet the development needs to maximize the performance.


-         We are committed to excellence and quality in offering services to our customers, by ensuring our products complied with agreed standards.


-         We will maintain our society’s value in areas such us: ethics and culture.


-         We will respond to change in the environment by adopting innovate solutions.


 Brief about Training plan for 2011:

The annual training plan for 2011 has been prepared to Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration which represent the first plan that the Ministry carried out to be the basic premise of this activity is directly activate and enhance the possibilities of self-available in the region.
The bases concentrated in the preparation of this plan, two main aspects in:

1 - The results of the analytical study, prepared by the Ministry in 2010 which included the comprehensive identification of training needs of all ministries in KRG, where those results diagnosis of about (25) subjects administratively, financially and economically, in addition to some subjects related to information technology, which represents the first priority to be covered as representing the broader need for training now.

2 - Improve and develop the skills and abilities, in the three following basic scopes:
- Individual skills and abilities of governamental employee in the region, which contribute to raising the level of individual performance and increase productivity.
- Skills and collective capabilities that contribute to the activation of collective work and promote the exchange of experiences and interaction efforts.
- Skills and institutional capacities that affect mainly to the increase in overall performance towards achieving the identified goals.

Development of individual skills and abilities Scope- special tables show so  

Development of skills and collective capacities Scope- special tables show so
Development of skills and institutional capacity Scope- special tables show so

Brief about Training with partners:

Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration is implement training courses in cooperation with partners from outside organizations that works within the region and the principles adopted in the selection of courses based on the training needs of the ministries which performed by our Institute in 2010 and the following names of partners cooperating with us:
1 - The U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID project "development" (Tatweer).
2 - European Training and Technology Centre.

3 - National School of Government - NSG UK.

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